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  • #61123 Report Abuse

    I hope someone can give me good advise here. I lost 2 dogs to Renal failure this year. Both were only 4 years old. It has been devastating for us. When the first one got sick we changed the food for fear it could have had something to do with it but didn’t know. We were using Southern States Advanced dry food. We live in a tiny town and it was recommended to us. Now I know it is bad food. Just last week i lost another dog to renal failure and there is no blood line to the other one so we immediately wondered if it was caused by the same food. The Vet said she probably got sick back when the other dog did. I called FDA in Atlanta to report this and he just blew me off. I don’t have the empty bag from the food buy I feel the dog food should be investigated if is could be killing dogs. Someone need to do something and I feel helpless

    #61164 Report Abuse

    I’m so sorry for your lose. Southern States Advanced is not a particularly high-quality food here is the link to the DFA review: /dog-food-reviews/southern-states-advanced/

    Don’t blame yourself, it was recommended to you and is marketed to be a good food. It sounds like you already tried reporting this to the FDA. You might want to keep trying, to see if they will eventually listen. If you know anyone else who had a similar experience, ask them to report it also.

    #61178 Report Abuse

    RE: Someone needs to do something !! Brenda , you just did , but don’t stop here , tell this to any person you know that has pets & is not made of stone . We have all trusted Other people to to do the right thing & as we are learning , some don’t care if they put you & your pet at risk if it puts $1.00 in their pocket !! Turn your pain against them . The best way to pay them back is don’t give them 1 more penny . So Sorry !!!

    #61183 Report Abuse

    Ask your vet to make a report to the FDA also. Sometimes, I feel, those reports carry a bit more weight. Hopefully, your vet will do that. I have to say that it concerns me a little that your vet said maybe the second one got sick when the first one did, as I’d somehow renal failure is contagious. I’d still ask him/her to make a report on your behalf. I know you said you called the FDA, but did you also submit a written report online?

    Be a squeaky wheel Brenda. Tell everyone that you think might remotely be interested. Tell Susan Thixton, she’ll take your concerns seriously.

    I’m truly sorry for your loss.

    #61245 Report Abuse

    I must say DodFoodie , I got the same disconnect as you did RE: ” maybe the second one got sick when the first one did ” I guess it could be POSSIBLE …. I DON’T KNOW , I would bet hundreds that they didn’t . Highly unlikely is my thought . But the gut punch kind of took my mind off that . I have felt the pain she has & still do , likely not as bad at this time . This may sound off the wall but , I had a dream about 3 months after we lost Frosty , he came to me & told me I had enough pain & it was time to move on . It did help a little , 30% +/- ?? I have had to think back 30 years when I lost my first dog , I remember deep pain , that is long gone now & I can think of him & all of them I have lost , with no pain at all . Now I am looking forward to the time I can think of Frosty the same way . I am not there yet ! I have been looking for a new pup , that may help . No hurry , I will find him when I find him . I think my other dog also wants a new friend . I do have lots of photos & some video of most of them , That helps a little .

    #61248 Report Abuse

    Brenda. I just read your post and I am both horrified and saddened for you. My heart goes out to you as does anyone who has lost a companion animal. The idea of losing two in the same year is a lot for you to have to deal with. I’m so sorry for your losses.

    As someone else mentioned, please continue to notify the FDA, have your vet issue a formal complaint on your behalf regarding both your dogs and contact Susan Thixton at The Truth About Pet Foods. She’ll take you seriously and she’s a pretty good squeaky wheel to have on your side.

    Also please tell everyone you know including the store where you bought the food so that they stop recommending it. Maybe that will save lives.

    #61249 Report Abuse

    I’m so sorry for your loss.

    #61256 Report Abuse

    I assumed that the vet meant that the other dog probably got damage to it’s kidneys at the same time from the same food, but that it took longer to get critical, not that it was something contagious. Unfortunately, I’ve seen circumstances where this is what we believed had happened. It’s impossible to prove though.

    Brenda, I’m so sorry for your loss.

    #61257 Report Abuse

    Oh, I see what you’re saying, BC. That makes sense. So maybe the vet does agree with what Brenda’s saying after all.

    Stay on your vet about an FDA report, Brenda.

    #61259 Report Abuse


    #61262 Report Abuse

    RE; How this could happen , I didn’t think Brenda gave enough info to really make that call , like time between , what was the new food , what kind of dogs , do they run free . I would guess Brenda & her Vet know more about the details , in her own time she may want to add some of that . My first reaction is to go on the war path , But I have a VERY Strong Motive To NOT try to Blame without just cause . Strong feelings are not proof . Could be anti freeze or some other toxin , vermin constantly come out of the woods , but I never put poison out in fear the dogs may find it or eat the dead vermin & get sick . Are the people next door friendly to your dogs or have they left any toxin out not thinking a dog could get into it , like anti freeze . Life is not fair , and never will be . When my 5 yr old first started barfing , years ago , it started on Diamond , Lamb & rice , that would have made 3 commercial foods she would barf on , one time a week ??? I called Diamond & the seller ….. they just blew me off . After home cooking , NO BARFING !

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