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Reply To: Swallowing/Gulping — Seizure?
Hi Joan,
Glad to hear you found something to curb your dog’s gulping episodes. My dog’s episodes were unpredictable and she would at times have them when I wasn’t around. She’s had episodes at the groomers and even while in a crate at the veterinary ER. While in the crate at the ER she had an IV and bandage around her leg. During an episode, while in the crate (unsupervised) she ate the IV needle and the bandages. I didn’t realized this happened until I took her home and she vomited it all back up. I was horrified. The worst part was that the ER Vet never told me it occurred and just put another IV in her leg. I couldn’t be with her 24/7 and crating her at home caused her so much stress that it would trigger an episode. She’d have them in the middle of the night, while on walks at the park, and even while my parents would watch her while I was away. She was clearly terrified by what was happening and there was nothing I could do to stop the episodes. One time during an episode I did crate her (to keep her safe) she proceeded to gasp for air, vomit profusely, and it a state of sheer panic broke a tooth trying to exit the crate. I couldn’t bare put her through anymore and I’m glad she’s at peace. Best of luck to you and your dog. Someday, I hope a solution is found to stop the episodes.
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
Madison V.
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Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
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