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Reply To: Is there dog food low in protein AND low in fat 4 renal failure AND pancreatitis

#156482 Report Abuse
Antonio A

Hi Aimee
i have similar issue for my 9 years old JRT. she was rushed to the vet as she was feeling very ill, the pancreas levels were very high and the kidney levels too (CRE and BUM) first we started giving low fat diet and the pancreas seems to be ok now, but now the kidneys are not good, CRE level is 3.8 and BUM is 78. i have been Hills K/d and Hills K/d dry food mixed together for a week now and just also saw that this is high in fats that might damange the pancreas again!!
Please help in recommending best diet for the dog for both the kidneys and the pancreas and thank you very much