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Stumped about my dachshund??

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  • #172472 Report Abuse
    James H

    Before the inevitable “take her to a vet” responses, I just want to say I’m not able to take her at this time, so I just wanted to see if anyone has had an experience like this with their dogs before.

    Heres the deal, about 2 days ago, I noticed that my 14 year old dachshund named Dalilah had puffy upper lip folds. They were both equally visibly puffy.

    That same night, she was frantically walking around whining and excessively licking the carpet.

    The face puffiness is gone and the carpet licking has stopped, however, for the past day or 2 since this happened, she has been lethargic, and also very nervous and scared. If I touch her with the slightest pressure, she yelps loudly and nips at me.

    She also has bouts of quick labored breathing and what appears to be disorientation.

    Heres the kicker though, her appetite has been excellent. She eats all of her food and even barks at me to out her food in the bowl faster when she sees me grab her food from the fridge (something shes always done). Here food by the way used to be zignature canned venison limited ingredient formula, now shes on stella and chewy’s raw frozen food beef formula.

    She doesnt get around as much as she did before all this happened, but when it’s food time, she gets right up enthusiastically and walks into the kitchen.

    I switched her food after this happened, thinking that a more wolf like diet is more biologically appropriate and therefore healthier.

    Shes also urinating and defecating perfectly normal.

    I dont know if she got bit by an insect or what, but heres what I’ve been giving her supplement wise:

    – manuka honey 1tsp per day (umf 20)

    – dr mercolas probiotics

    – dr mercolas liver and kidney support

    – hawthorn berry liquid (in case it’s a heart issue)

    – Cbd oil specifically for pets to help her sleep

    – Bio C vitamin c with bioflavanoids for pets

    – Nordic naturals ultimate omega fish oil for dogs

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.

    Based on all of these symptoms, face puffiness, licking the carpet, acting scared, does anyone have any possible idea of what this sounds like??? I’m completely stumped.

    #172476 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    “She also has bouts of quick labored breathing and what appears to be disorientation.”
    Sorry, but a responsible owner would take their very elderly dog to the vet with these symptoms. Please don’t let her suffer. This could be heart related.
    Face puffiness, yes could be an allergy or got stung. Acting scared could be in pain or the side effect of the sting ? But you wrote that has cleared up. Carpet licking could be dropped food? No cleaners on carpet that could have caused lip swelling?
    Hope you had time to bring your Doxie to the vet by now. Also why all of these supplements? Any one of these can cause side effects.

    #172592 Report Abuse
    James H

    Patricia A,

    My dachshund is back to 100% perfect health. My belief is that she had an infection of some sort and after packing her with high quality nutrition, she is completely back to her normal self. I guess that answers your question “why all the supplements?”

    I really dont appreciate your condescending attitude when you say “sorry but a responsible owner would take their very elderly dog to the vet with these symptoms.”

    Patricia were you going to pay for my dog’s vet bill? Would you pay for her testing and medicines? Ever think that maybe I’d like to but I dont have the money for a vet right now?

    My dog has been to the vet in the past, and after $6,500 for ivdd surgery I didnt have any more money for a vet at the moment. Supplements and internet research are cheaper than vets and their rip off prices like hundreds of dollars for a 5 minute xray.

    Maybe you should think about these things before you condescend and tell people that if they cant afford a vet at the moment they’re not responsible pet owners.

    I fixed her myself with “all those supplements,” and yes she had a reaction to them, the reaction was she got her full health back.

    Let this be a lesson to you that not being able to afford a vet at the moment is due to a lack of cash, NOT a lack of character.

    Thanks for nothing Patricia.

    #172593 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    James I’m sorry you feel my answer was condescending. Given your list of symptoms your 14 year old dog was suffering it would have been misguided for anyone on this forum to give you advice on causation and cure.
    I’m with you on vets at times causing more problems with strong meds that at times are overkill and cause more harm then good. My dog has loose stool, I don’t run to vet for pills to cure. I look into their diet. I didn’t possibly phrase the question regarding supplements correctly. I was questioning actually the supplements and the reason for them. Just because they are “supplements” it does not mean they do not come without side effects which may effect each dog differently. So possibly I was thinking maybe a new supplement might be causing all those symptoms. https://www.parakeethome.com/dog-vitamins-side-effects/
    If you read someone else write all these worrying symptoms in an elderly dog I believe you would be alarmed that this dog can be on a downward spiral and also is suffering.
    You wrote: my 14 year old dachshund named Dalilah had puffy upper lip folds. They were both equally visibly puffy.
    That same night, she was frantically walking around whining and excessively licking the carpet.
    The face puffiness is gone and the carpet licking has stopped, however, for the past day or 2 since this happened, she has been lethargic, and also very nervous and scared. If I touch her with the slightest pressure, she yelps loudly and nips at me.
    She also has bouts of quick labored breathing and what appears to be disorientation.
    Sorry again for not reading about the cash part. Just stood out that symptoms seemed very serious and I felt for your dog especially since my Doxie Pookie who lived to 17 years still is a legend around our home for his antics.
    Very happy to hear your pup is herself again.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Patricia A.
    #172609 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    James again my bad when just scanned your post . Trying to do my best in caring for my elderly mom with dementia. Just not doing a thorough job of reading between lines and replying in what I always hoped was some tidbit of helpful advice from my past experiences in having owned and cared for dogs since my kids were little.
    It’s obvious from your post that you are a VERY responsible dog owner . Should never judge since been there ourselves with spending $1000 and two weeks later another problem which we would resolve when we waited a few days. Can write a book on serious health issues which the vet actually caused. Autoimmune issues from a shot which dog needed bone marrow test to detererimen it was response from a lepto shot. Chloe in for x-rays at 13 because of labored breathing. Showed Pneumonia . Sent home with meds and told she’ll be fine. Middle of the night gasping for air. Passed in car. Healthy puppy given kennel cough immunization before being spayed and came down with a VERY BAD COLD from the intranasal . Then given to my immune compromised(the one with the lepto shot). UHHH VETS: Do no harm but not always the case.

    Never considered looking into supplements. So when have time will educate myself . Always prefer more holistic solutions then strong meds which cause more serious side effects then the problem itself.
    So having had a Doxie own us. lol my only advice s weight and back issues. I’m sure you’re aware of this though. The yelping when touched could be disc related that is so common in the long backed Doxies. No jumping off couch . Also the pain would cause the panting .
    Orthopedic bedding . Sometimes the bottom of the dog beds have no support and they lay on floor.
    Wishing Dalilah many more years of a happy healthy life.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Patricia A.
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