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Renal failure

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  • #31974 Report Abuse

    My dog, a rescue of about 5 years, was snake-bit over a year ago, and although I got him to a vet immediately, he went into renal failure and we have have been fighting high BUN and creatine levels ever since. He’s supposed to eat strictly low protein & sodium, so the vet has him on Hills Sciece Diet KD canned and dry, but I’m having a horrible time getting him to eat it. Does ANYONE have a suggestion on a dog food I can make homemade OR one I can buy that won’t increase his BUN or creatine levels? He loves bread but even that has high protein.

    #32110 Report Abuse

    Shawna is the one to ask, but she has issues getting on here sometimes. I’ll let her know that she needs to try.

    #32112 Report Abuse

    Hi Dorenda,

    Took a few tries but I was able to log on.. Thanks Patty for the email heads up :)..

    Vets often suggest low protein for renal disease when it really isn’t necessary. There are studies even that show dogs that have protein lowered to drastically too early in the disease have increased mortality. There’s some fantastic information on the topic on nutritionist Mary Straus’ website (see quote below). My dog has had kidney disease since birth and has been on high protein raw her whole life (45 to 54%) — she’ll be eight years old the end of June 2014.

    “Based on research done in the last ten years (see s a Low Protein Diet Necessary or Desirable?), that the only time it is necessary to feed a low protein diet is when your dog is uremic, which generally means BUN is over 80 mg/dL (equivalent to 28.6 mmol/L), creatinine is over 4.0 mg/dL (equivalent to 354 ”mol/L), and the dog is showing symptoms such as vomiting, nausea,inappetence, ulcers and lethargy, which are caused by the build-up of nitrogen in the blood. Even then, feeding low protein will not extend life, but it will help the dog feel better. Subcutaneous fluids can also help at this time (and before).” http://www.dogaware.com/health/kidneydiet.html

    If your pup is uremic then consider K/D canned with added toppers to entice eating. Toppers like lightly cooked egg whites or canned green tripe are good options. Both are low in phosphorus but higher in protein. To counter the extra protein you can give probiotics and a certain type of prebiotic to induce “nitrogen trapping”. Nitrogen trapping utilizes the bacteria in the colon to help clean BUN from the blood. I use Garden of Life Primal Defense probiotic (human product) and Fiber 35 Sprinkle Fiber (also human product). If symptoms are bad enough that there is a need to keep protein really low try adding high quality fats — organic butter or ghee, coconut oil etc.

    I would avoid kibble at ALL COST!!! Kibble of any kind including K/D.

    Vet Dr. Royal created a raw kidney disease diet for Darwins. It can be found on their website – link below. The food is REALLY high in protein so again not an option if your pup is uremic. Here’s some info. The actual diet is on the site as well. Your vet will have to contact them to confirm your pup is a good candidate for the diet. http://www.darwinspet.com/kidney-health/

    Mary Straus, link above, has diet recommendations on her site – she does include kibbles but kibbles are dehydrating and can cause issues. The protein in kibbles is also poorer quality than any other form and due to this creates more BUN then other diets with the same amount and kind of protein. Nutritionist Lew Olson also has some recipes on her website http://www.b-naturals.com/newsletter/kidney-diet/

    Supplements that might be helpful — the one that I will NEVER run out of with my KD girl is Standard Process Canine Renal Support. Turmeric, food grade activated charcoal and burdock root are some to look at. I’d also recommend giving a digestive enzyme no matter what you feed. Mineral waters higher in calcium while being lower in sodium have demonstrated some benefit. They didn’t identify the brand in the research paper but I believe they may have used Evian. I’ve also read that feeding smaller meals multiple times per day is beneficial.

    Hope something here is helpful!! Sure hope you can get your pup feeling better!!!


    #32115 Report Abuse

    Getting proper nutrition into a kidney patient can be tricky and best tailored to your dog individual needs. For a homemade food, a consult with a veterinary nutritionist is likely the best option, but perhaps a semi-customized recipe could be used from balanceit.com. Your vet has to approve its use.

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