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Pup food for weaning puppy

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  • #92307 Report Abuse
    Lorie D

    Could someone please suggest a pup food to wean my lg. pup onto ? He is a large breed & also a Singleton pup, I need a food with the right calcium to phosphorus ratio. He is having trouble trying to stand, I want to wean him at 3 wks. TThank you

    #92308 Report Abuse

    A puppy should stay with it’s mother and sibs till 8-12 weeks. Consult a veterinarian, if you don’t believe me, or the pup is motherless. Best of luck.
    Survival at that age (without a mother) if possible, would require the expertise of a veterinarian.

    #92309 Report Abuse

    Hi Lorie D-

    Do you mean that you want to start feeding the pup solid food in addition to nursing, or that you are actually taking it away from it’s mother?

    #92338 Report Abuse

    “He is having trouble trying to stand, I want to wean him at 3 wks”
    I wouldn’t expect a 3 week old puppy to be able to stand or eat on it’s own. I hope this was a typo.
    Have you consulted a veterinarian?

    #92756 Report Abuse
    Margaret H

    Why don’t you go for dog food suppliers. They have good knowledge about what food should be given to dogs. They know what amount of supplements should be added to the dogs food.

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