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Need help with homemade food

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  • #14828 Report Abuse

    Hi I have a 4 year old dog. Was wondering can I give her half an egg scrambled for breakfast. Some vegetables around lunch and chicken for dinner? I also do not know how much to give her. Can anyone help me thanks…

    #14838 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi taniawi –

    If you want to feed your dog an egg for breakfast, veggies at lunch and chicken for dinner in addition to a balanced commercial dog food, that would be fine. If you want to feed your dog only an egg, veggies and chicken – that would be an extremely unbalanced diet and your dog would eventually suffer nutritional deficiencies. If you’re interested in feeding your dog a homemade diet I strongly recommend you pick up a book about homemade feeding with balanced recipes formulated by a veterinarian or nutritionist. Dogaware.com. is a great resource as well. Also, if you check out the raw diet thread, under “Suggested Menus” you can checkout several of my dogs’ meals to get an idea of what needs to be included in a homemade diet.

    #15286 Report Abuse

    Hi, I made my own dog food, with chicken, mince,oats, vegies, Fish oil. eggs, vitamins etc. But how much of that do I feed daily to a Jack Russel size dog. He is 13 and not very active, never has been, and 7.4 kilo. perfect wait according to the vet. I don’t want to give him to much.

    #15290 Report Abuse

    My 11 year old JRT is 12-14 lbs and gets about 1/2 cup a day.

    #15296 Report Abuse

    Pattyvauqhn, Thank you so much. I weight a 1/2 cup with my home made food and that is 180 grams. As “Spot” is a bit bigger and heavier, I think I have to give him a bit more, so I think that 230 grams a day will be ok for him. I will keep an eye on his wait and will see soon enough if he will gain or lose weight. 🙂

    #15421 Report Abuse
    Jackie B

    Check out a book called “Feed Your Best Friend Better” by Rick Woodford. It has quite a few balanced, vet-reviewed recipes. I do think that homemade should make up 50% or less of your dog’s diet, just to be extra safe. Food isn’t rocket science, but there is still a possibility of nutrient deficiencies from feeding an unbalanced diet. Hound Dog Mom is (as usual) correct.

    #15423 Report Abuse

    HDM doesn’t feed less than 50% homemade. Just as you don’t worry about every meal being balanced for yourself, you don’t have to worry about every meal for your dog being balanced. But it must balance over time. Feed your dog a variety of healthy foods. Do the research. And make sure that over time you cover all your bases. Steve Brown’s “Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet” is good, as are many others. HDMs thread on homemade diets has excellent info and a great recipe for making your own whole food supplement.

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