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Does anyone have a dog with Pancreatitis..

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  • #35926 Report Abuse

    I saw a new vet this morning for a second opinoin as Patch isnt getting better, he’s well for a while then he’s in pain & vomiting & sloppy poos again.. He said it sounds like Patch suffers from Pancreatitis, even thought his blood test came back fine last yr. He said that Patch may of been bettter when bloods were taken, he was better when blood was taken..a waste of $230 dollars.. He said that he’d like the kibble he eats to be under 9% fat.. Then he said it sounds like he has IBD as well & his skin problems & would like to put him on Presdnisone, I just looked up side effects from Prednidone, vomiting, heartburn, thirst…also he bought out the bags of kibble, Science Diet Z/D & another ?/D & Royal Canin low fat & Hypoallergenic that patch has been on & made him worst the Hypoallergenic is 19% fat.. I said NO these are all rubbish & read out by-products etc, I said, I read on the net how these foods are no good, he said thats just other companys saying that so u buy their food.. I didnt bother to argue with him as vets believe in science & have too see the science in everything, thats why they believe in Hills Science diet.. then I said what about home cooking he said YES…. give him JUST boiled chicken for 1 month & nothing else, see how that goes then introduce something new for the next month like pasta, I said what about his vitamins he said we’ll discuss that later if it works.. I know Patch can eat chicken…
    I dont know what to do no more, I hate seeing Patch in pain after he eats his kibble every morning some day worst then others…Does anyone else have a dog with Pancreatitis & what are they feeding & what meds were prescribe & did the meds help.. I dont like pills. Patch also gets stomach acid reflux.. I asked for something stronger then Zantac & he said once we change his diet he wont need any ant-acids.. I said that i’ll try the food first & see how we go..I use a Cortisone cream on Patches skin & it does work & he said, see it will work the Presdnisone.. Ive taken Presdnisone for my C.R.E.S.T & it made me feel like crap, I felt awful…..

    #35935 Report Abuse

    I have dealt with pancreatitis dogs for over 20 yrs. I have yet to have a dog get better quick enough that bloods are normal if tested within a day or two of flareup. In other words false negs happen at the very onset of a flareup, not at the middle..as well, each flareup they have is more severe and longer in duration if not caught and treated.. Its not a disease in my experience that self heals.

    If pancreatitis foods need to be low fat to get it under control.. Allergies affecting skin will not kill him but pancreatitis could so I would treat that first and worry about the allergies second. In other words don’t feed a high fat food just because its hypoallergenic.

    Ibd can also cause the symptoms you are seeing. If it were my dog and my vet threw out those two options I would request treatment with metronidazole and cerenia-this controls the vomiting and diarrhea and is frequently used in both diseases. I would feed a bland diet for a week and then slowly introduce a lower fat food.

    #35943 Report Abuse

    Hi Sue,

    My current dog possibly had/has pancreatitis as a part of his GI complex. The only definitive way to diagnose pancreatitis is biopsy, otherwise the diagnosis is based on a constellation of symptoms, ultrasound and supportive laboratory testing. Amylase and lipase levels in the blood can be low in the face of pancreatitis and high when pancreatitis is not present. Currently it is thought the best test is the Spec Cpl run by Idexx or Texas A and M or the Idexx Snap test. But even this test isn’t perfect. If the test results are in the normal range it is unlikely that active pancreatitis is present, but you an never completely rule it out. If the test is high the higher it is the more likely it is pancreatitis.

    With my own dog he was having intermittent vomiting bloody stool and abd pain. At least that is when I assumed was the reason he’d spend the whole day in his crate looking miserable. His pancreas tests cpl amylase/lipase were always normal yet his ultrasound of the pancreas was supportive of previous inflammation-fibrosis.

    I was at the point of full exploratory with surgical biopsies as all other tests had been exhausted. since he was stable I did food trials with low fat one protein one carb diets. I tracked symptoms daily. With the first two diets combo home cooked and OTC there was no appreciable change. The third diet RC select protein Venison/Potato from the vet was the charm.

    Best of luck to you and Patch

    #35973 Report Abuse

    Thank-you Melissa & Aimee, Patch had a blood test 3 weeks after a flare up, I asked for one, He was on the Metronidzole last December for 2weeks, this stopped the fermenting smell that was coming out of his mouth & stopped the sloppy poos, now his mouth smells normal again, vet gave me a script if I run out.. I cant get the R/C Venison/Potato here is Australia I tried & rung R/C up when he was first ill, we just have the Low Fat, Sensitivity Control, or the Hypoallergengic..Ive tried the Hypoallergenic & the Sensitivity Control & they made him worst. He’s good at the moment he’s playing running, but all he has eaten is his toast for breaky, Ive just boiled a chicken breast, its cooling maybe thats why he’s running around he knows he’s having chicken, Ive tried this before boiled chicken, I’ll try it again & see how he goes this time, I need a kibble with No Fish Oil, no Flaxseed, nothing with oils, I dont think there are any, Oh, when I looked in the supermakets the real cheap kibbles have no fish oil or flax seed etc, maybe that mite work.. I did find a low fat 8% called ‘Opitmum’ invented by a vet here in Australia but it has Chicken By-Products, everytime I read the ingredients I put it back…But being a rescue dog I’d say he was feed a real crap diet, cheap diet… Ive never given him the supermarket kibbles, he mite do better on mostly grains he does good on toast..just gave him his chicken so far no pain yet or licking… I never gave him his Zantac either..How much chicken do I feed a 17kilo dog, I dont want him losing weight.

    #35974 Report Abuse

    The vet is having you start an elimination diet. As long as Patch is doing well on it, that’s a good thing. Don’t worry about having an unbalanced diet short term, it will be fine.

    Start with feeding about 2% of his body weight and increase if you need to from there. Trim off visible fat for now and feed skinless.

    #35978 Report Abuse

    Gave him about 1 cup of boiled chicken shreaded, loved it BUT 10mins later he started whinning near the front door, then he came to me to rub his tummy, he sits on his bum with his front 2 paws up & I rub around his right rib cage & he did a real big burp…went for a walk, came home he’s sleeping now, not playing, I dont know about the boiled chicken, Im sure this happened last time thats why he’s not on the boiled chicken, my daughter said try tin human tuna with spring water.. is tuna like chicken, same texture they call tuna, chicken of the sea…does anyone feed human tuna to their dogs,

    #74356 Report Abuse
    Liane M

    Hi! I am new to the pancreatitis world. My yorkiepoo had his first and hopefully only BAD case just the other week. He stayed at the vet for five days. I had the ultrasound to confirm pancreatitis. Prior to the flare up he was eating Hills Science Diet along with boiled chicken and other table scraps. It had to of been an on going thing for him because we were at the vet at least every three months due to vomiting and his vet never had him tested. Any who, after his five day stay he was sent home on a trial basis with SIX different meds. Just the other day he was somewhat back to himself playing and being the dog everyone loved but still NOT eating on his own (he had to be syringe feed). Just today he ate a bit of CANNED TUNA.The fat content is 0% so I figured if he’s eating on his own SCORE! After his dose of meds I mixed a bit more of the tuna with boiled chicken and he ate it all. I know vet wants him to eat Hills RX kibble once he recovers. Now I have read up on this food and most people have said their dog have had MORE flare ups. My local pet store had pointed out a few wet foods that have a fat content as low as 2%. He wouldn’t touch it. Neither would I. I would love to make the home made food for him but everyone says he wouldn’t get the nutrients that are formulated in dog food. A new thing is raw diet. Ground whole chicken and beef. Has anyone consider or tried the raw diet?

    #74358 Report Abuse

    Hi Liane M, I tried a raw diet 3-4 weeks ago Kangaroo cause the fat % was 3% & blended broccoli, carrot celery & apple, I also added a digestive Enzyme 1/2 capsule & probiotic so he doesn’t feel sick, I went thru a Naturopath she said raw can make some dogs feel sick when the Pancreas isn’t working properly, he seemed hungry all the time cause the Naturopath wanted him on just 2 meals a day to rest his stomach & pancreas.. he was waking up2am & sitting in the kitchen to be feed, so I’ve been cooking the raw & have gone back to 4 smaller meals a day….he did real well on the raw for his skin it all cleared up but he was regurgitating the digested raw after 3 hours of eating the raw he was bringing up water & I’d see him swallowing & swallowing then he was getting acid reflux from regurgitating sometimes..
    I’ve been soaking kibble in water then when kibble is soft I drain & put thru the mini processor, he doesn’t regurgitate the soaked kibble, I’ve been cooking extra lean beef mince adding blended broccoli, blended carrots, blended celery & making small meat loaves (rissoles) that I freeze & take out the night before & give for breakfast & dinner …I give soaked kibble for lunch & I do another late dinner around 7.30pm some soaked kibble blended it seems to work for him…I tried wet tin food, there was no real low fat wet tin foods fat was all around 5-7% to high & for the price it’s better to cook & you know what they are eating….look into digestive enzymes if you do, do raw..

    #76992 Report Abuse
    Sarah A

    It’s not always the amount of fat in the food but what kind of fat that is important. My vet told me that salmon (and other similar fish) are good to have in the diet because the oil is absorbed immediately in the upper most region of the digestive system whereas fat from beef and pork are not and they make the pancreas work harder. There are lots of other benefits of fish oil as well.

    So I’ve been feeding my standard poodle a combination of Merrick Pacific Catch kibble with Wellness 95% Salmon (a “mix-in”, not a complete dog food). She likes it and has not had a pancreatitis relapse since having a severe episode in early May.

    #78212 Report Abuse
    cheryl w

     Post Pancreatitis Diet-What Worked for My Yorkie
    Below is a cut and paste of what I’ve written for my dog:-

    I’ve written a long post on another forum about post pancreatic diet. I’m just going to share it here as well since it doesn’t make sense not to since I’ve been a member for a long time. Maybe it’ll help someone out there that was struggling like I did. The only difference between the post and now is I do give him daily fresh blended vegetable and fruit juice that are safe for dogs as well but I do strain to remove pulp to control fibre content.

    Here it goes (I’m just going to cut and paste since it’s long):-

    I happened to came across this forum and I joined to say please take advice from your vet when it comes to keeping your dog on prescription foods. I know when you check online, there are so many negative comments about prescription diets but when you truly have had a very sick dog and nothing works, these prescription diets are a savior. There is nothing wrong with by-products. By-products just means clean edible parts that are not meat. Knowing my dog, he probably loves the taste of the internal organs from the food he is getting even though I find it a little grossed out but I would imagine those internal organs contains a different nutrition profile than just meat alone.

    My Yorkie had pancreatitis back in April of 2014 and was in the ER for 5 days and a few more days at the vet-I am lucky to have him back. He lost 20% of his weight during that attack which is a lot for a small dog. It has been a struggle since to get his weight up especially on low fat food but last week (Jan 2015), I weighed him and he is now back to his old weight. I find that there are a few things that really helps that I will talk about below.

    i) Right now, I feed him 4 times a day and I alternate the feedings with 2x dry and 2x wet. I have done the math on how much to feed per meal and I have a kitchen scale to measure his meals each time. I have mine on RC veterinary low fat gastrointestinal both wet and dry because he wouldn’t eat the Hill’s Prescription-my dog is picky but whatever. The alternate wet and dry feedings work better than when you have to mix the wet and dry in one meal in terms of digestion. I have done a lot of research and I have looked at alternatives such as Wellness Complete Healthy Weight and even though the fat is low, it is still 20% more on a dry matter basis when I compared it to RC so be careful. That is why so many people are shocked when their dog gets another bout of pancreatitis on the Wellness Complete Healthy Weight because they looked at the fat percentage and it seems fine but you need to calculate the fat on a dry matter basis. Also, a pancreatitic dog needs low fiber and moderate protein as well on top of low fat-a lot of people forgot to take that in to consideration.

    ii) I do supplement enzyme to his food because I couldn’t get his weight up for the longest time and I believe the enzyme really helps. He also acts like he is hungry all the time which makes me think he could have some symptoms of EPI as a result of the pancreatitis or it is just because of the low fat food. I test him by giving him some plain cooked white rice and my dog won’t eat it when he is not starving and he really isn’t. Talk to your vet and do your research about enzymes but I find that enzyme from an animal source works better. My dog’s weight went up when I switched from plant based enzyme to an animal based enzyme.

    iii) Food moisture-I do mesh up the kibbles and put some warm water in there before adding enzymes. I mesh up the kibbles to help his digestion because I was struggling with his weight for a while and the moisture just helps. I just don’t feel good when my dog ate a ton of dry kibble and then drink a lot of water. For that, I place a mortar and pestle on my kitchen island. It is quick to clean and easy to use. The low fat kibble is also somewhat salty (yes, I’ve tried a piece or two) so adding some warm water helps to dilute the sodium as well.

    iv) I do work the feedings out to include tiny bit of fresh food. I do give him some boiled skinless boneless chicken breast mashed up for easy digestion (of course there are some enzyme in there as well). He also gets about 8 blueberries a day in between feedings because he likes it. He also gets some coconut water in the am for electrolytes. Make sure the ones you buy are pure with no sugar added.

    I’ve also heard people who said you could put your dog back to normal food when it has passed but I have asked my vet and I do not think it is a good way to go because pancreatitis can reoccur and he has seen dogs getting it again and again.

    Again these are all just suggestions and steps I have taken for my Yorkie that has been successful post pancreatitis. I just hope that someone else who reads this could use the experience I have had and hopefully, he/she will have less sleepless nights than I did.
    As of today, the only changes I’ve made to what I’ve written above is I don’t feed him daily coconut juice anymore but he still gets veg fruit juice daily. I’m mainly feeding RC canned now with a 5% of RC dry because of the sodium content. He still gets blueberry daily but I peeled off the skin first.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by cheryl w.
    #79329 Report Abuse
    Jo K

    hi i am new to this forum and thought i would share my experience or rather my springer’s–he had been eating Fromm’s grain free kibble for almost a year and then suddenly he had terrible diarrhea and vomiting; I took him to emergency vet (on the weekend) who put him on the metronidazole meds, bland diet of rice and chicken for awhile, etc. he got better–until the metronidazole wore off…he then went on the RC gastrointestinal low fat food–got better until another round of metronidazole wore off. took him to another vet for second opinion and more tests (not showing anything specific) and she recommended we try tylosin powder coupled with the RC gastro-low fat food–and i am happy to report he is much, much improved. he has regained the 10lbs he had lost and has normal stools–i know there is much criticism of the prescription foods and i know it alone didn’t solve the problem, but until this quits working (which i pray never happens) this is where we stay for food.

    #79330 Report Abuse

    Hi Jo, was your dog tested for Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (S.I.B.O)?? when they have S.I.B.O they need to take Metronidazole for about 6 weeks then if symptoms look like they are coming back they are normally put on Tylan Powder 1/8th teaspoon once a day with food (Dinner) & yes the “Royal Canine Intestinal Gastro Low Fat” is low in fiber 1.7% what is needed for S.I.B.O & certain types of IBD…..

    #79331 Report Abuse
    Jo K

    to be honest, i can’t say if he was tested for SIBO–i do remember there was some kind of “bad” bacteria that was showing up in his fecal test, but all blood work was normal. they did test him for something that starts with a “G” I think, which was negative–i believe a parasite.

    he has been taking the Tylan (i/4 tsp) once per day (although it was prescribed twice per day) for a few months now–i have heard of other dogs that stay on it for life–but the vet hasn’t told me yet if she wants him weaned off of it–i will be calling for a refill soon (this will be third one) and i guess i will find out then.

    I have noticed that charlie is drinking lots of water–during the summer i attributed it to the weather (its very vey hot where we live) but i wonder if its related to the food? or the tylan…

    i do use a slow feeder as he has a tendency to inhale his food and then he burps–the slow feeder doesn’t slow him down much though so i do try to parcel out the food in a couple of batches to help digestion

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Jo K.
    #79334 Report Abuse

    Hi, if Charlie is eating the Royal Canine Intestinal Low Fat I noticed my boy was drinking & drinking water while he ate the R/C Low Fat Kibble, when I changed his kibble to Earthborn Holistic Ocean Fusion the drinking & drinking water stopped & he went back to normal……

    Yes some vets say give the Tylan twice a day breakfast & dinner…..they did a study with about 10 dogs & gave 5 dogs the Tylan twice a day then the other 5 dogs the Tylan just once a day & they found the higher dose twice a day made no difference….so giving the Tylan once a day at the lower dose worked the same….
    What you can do is start giving the Tylan every second day check Charlies poos see how they are looking then after 1-2 weeks on the Tylan every 2nd day & poos are still firm, give Tylan every 3rd day & see if Charlies poos are firm, then just reduce off the Tylan, but if he doesn’t do well he may need Tylan for the rest of his life……My boy stopped the Tylan but about 6months ago his poos were going sloppy & real yellow & stunk, so I put him back on Tylan just for 1 month & everything is good again, so it may be good to get a re-fill just to have in the cupboard when needed…ask the vet

    #79336 Report Abuse
    Jo K

    Thanks Susan…sounds like a good plan to try to wean him off the Tylan, can u tell me why u chose the earth born food u mentioned?

    #79390 Report Abuse

    Hi Jan, Patch has tried a few kibbles like Wellness Simple, Holistic Select, (Australian brands- Nutro Natural Choice, Meals For Mutts gluten dairy sugar free, Black Hawk) Patch ended up with bad wind & farts from the peas, these kibbles were pea heavy & acid reflux with some of the other kibbles…..
    I saw a friend at the dog park & I asked the lady what is Lilly eating? she suffers with stomach & bowel problems as well she said her vet recommended Earthborn Holistic Ocean Fusion, I went & google Earthborn Holistic Ocean Fusion & noticed it was pea free, no Probiotics (makes Patch feel sick) no tomato pomace-acid reflux, I got a couple samples of the Ocean fusion, I put 2 of the Ocean Fusion kibbles in a glass of warm water & waited to see how long the Kibble swelled & soften, the kibbles soften the same as vet Diet Royal Canine Intestinal Low Fat, 30-40mins so I started giving Patch a few Ocean Fusion kibbles
    as treats then started adding 1/4 cup with his R/C Intestinal Low Fat Kibbles then Patch, wanted to eat the Ocean Fusion instead of his vet diet R/C & I only
    needed 2 & 1/2 cups a day of the Ocean Fusion, so less work on his stomach & bowel his poos were better & firmer then on the R/C Low Fat, he stopped having acid reflux every 2nd day & was keeping on his weight & feeling heaps better…. I’m looking at the Wellness Complete Health Whitefish & Sweet Potatoes now it has similar ingredients to the Ocean Fusion but has tomatoes, so I’ll give it a go & I can buy from the Pet Shop up the road, but I have to do my soak test & see if the Wellness digest easy Patch has problems digesting some kibbles & cries when they are real hard & don’t digest easy….some kibbles take 2-3 hours to soften…no good for Patch….

    #79394 Report Abuse
    Jo K

    thanks for info–i have never softened charlie’s kibble–didnt know i should do so–i do know he belches after each meal, i thought because he wolfs it down but perhaps taking in too much air with the kibble.

    i will speak to my vet about the ocean fusion–i so appreciate the information!

    one last question–charlie likes to eat grass/leaves–not every day, but occasional. he doesn’t throw it up and i don’t see it in his poo but i know its not digestable–i have read that is sign stomach upset and then i have read it means nothing–does Patch eat grass?

    #79405 Report Abuse

    Hi yes when Patch is un-well he eats grass & sometimes doesn’t spew it back up, I do see it sometimes in his poo, old brown grass…..

    Chlorophyll is in grass, it settles their tummies & digestive upsets but dogs don’t chew their food like we do & don’t have salivary amylase (digestive enzymes in their salvia) so they are un-able to break down the Cellulose walls of the grass to access the Chlorophyll and that’s why the grass comes back out un-digested, you can buy liquid Chlorophyll & add it to their water, I haven’t tried it yet.. http://pawsforthenews.tv/1featured-news/health-benefits-of-chlorophyll-for-dogs-cats-and-you/

    #80464 Report Abuse
    Dilys S

    Please be careful about feeding dogs broccoli as it has oxalis acid, which can lead to bladder or kidney stones. Any of the family of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, will be similar, with oxalis acid.

    #84703 Report Abuse

    My dog was just diagnosed with pancreatitis, he seem too have gotten really bed acid re flux for a while. vet said to give him these two meds one is pepcid ac, and another that breaks down the acid. he prescribed 2 antibiotics at the same time and my dog was getting sicker, i stopped the antibiotics, and the pain seem to let up a little. i was feeding raw for 4 years with no problems until i added trachea to thier diet. i did not know the repercussions of doing this. he wound up with hyperthyroidism, and now the vet insisted i cook his food, well now he has pancreatitis and bad acid reflux, he never mentioned a digestive enzyme, i now have him on a very bland diet, low fat. should i give him a digestive enyme? i have a plant based one but i hear that is not as good.

    #84706 Report Abuse
    Maria N

    I do…..a standard poodle. she is going through it right now.

    #84728 Report Abuse
    Gina v

    Hi – I have a 6 year old Newfie that came down with pancreatitis. Not acute, so no vomiting or runny stool, but very painful belly and got worse if he ate anything. Blood work came back normal which is apparently not uncommon so vet put him on Tremadol. No fever. That went on for two weeks. Third week he didn’t need the Tremadol anymore but he was very weak (lost a good 10-15 pounds). We are in week four now. He is eating small amounts, drinking, stool is normal, but walks incredibly slow. Very lethargic and low energy. All symptoms point to chronic pancreatitis. Have been feeding him probiotics, pancreatic enzymes, B12, chicken, rice, sweet potato, tuna – all low fat. He’s eating several times a day in small amount but remains very weak. Does anyone have a dog with pancreatitis and is it normal that after almost a month he is still not his usual self? Will this ever get better? I’m reading on http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/11_11/features/Canine-Pancreatitis-Symptoms-and-Treatment_16081-1.html that they can’t see chronic pancreatitis on diagnostic imaging so doing a ultrasound sounds like a waste of money. Only certain bloodwork can tell you Spec CPL test. Has anyone used this test to confirm the pancreatitis? I’m at my wits end and just want to know if anyone has any advice.

    #84730 Report Abuse

    Did the veterinarian do an ultrasound/x-ray to rule out a blockage? That’s what I would have had done, going by the symptoms you describe.
    Be careful reading stuff on those homeopathic sites……I find science based medicine more helpful. Supplements can cause harm.

    PS: Yes, the blood test to rule out pancreatitis is important, that is how they diagnose or rule out pancreatitis. I would consider seeing an Internal Medicine Specialist and get the dog properly diagnosed as soon as possible.

    #84759 Report Abuse
    Sarah A

    I’m really sorry you and your dog are going through that. It’s so scary and frustrating.

    I second the recommendation for seeing an internal med specialist or at least getting a second opinion since your vet sounds (from your description) to not be recommending other supportive care. For example, did your vet prescribe Cerenia (an anti-nausea) or mirtazapine (an appetite stimulant)? Both of those can be extremely helpful in getting your dog to want to eat again.

    It’s been almost a year since my dog (a standard poodle) had pancreatitis. It took her a long time (more than a month) to act normal. I ended up feeding her “poodle cakes” (sweet potato pancake mix (not the variety with sugar in it) made with chicken broth, non-fat cottage cheese and pumpkin with some salmon oil and a couple of freeze-dried chicken liver treats crushed and stirred in). Also “poodle noodles” (macaroni cooked in chicken broth with chicken). The pancakes were the first food she ate enthusiastically and that was after weeks of trying to tempt her with other stuff.

    Best of luck with your dog!!

    #84762 Report Abuse

    Did the dog even have the blood test to confirm pancreatitis? If not, there are many other conditions that could be causing the symptoms. I know people think they are doing research by going to Dr Google, but there is a lot of misinformation on the internet.
    If you have a medical background you may be able to weed out some of the junk, but not always…..

    What I would do, find a veterinarian I trust and try to go along with the recommended testing and treatment. It’s really the best option.

    #84771 Report Abuse
    Jenn H

    I realize this post is a few months old but I figured I’d add my 2Âą anyway.
    If your dog inhales his food and has reflux you should definitely get a slow feeder bowl. I would also not feed from a bowl raised higher than a couple inches from the floor. If that doesn’t help give him Pepcid.
    Not sure what kind of dog you have, but these are all mistakes I made with 1 of my GSDs only to learn later that the reflux could’ve been prevented by not using a raised feeder. And that reflux is often a problem with dogs that eventually get bloat/gastric torsion. Sadly he died from that despite surviving long enough to get into surgery. (There’s a whole awful story that comes before that.)
    While the jury still seems to be out in raised feeders and causes of GVD, these changes have made a difference in my other dogs. So take this as anecdotal evidence.

    #118394 Report Abuse
    Jamy R

    I have a rescue Blk Mouth Cur/ Lab 5 or 6 year old mix. She came to me with severe runs. The humane society had said they were giving her Blue Buffalo lamb and rice so we bought that. She didn’t like that. She did have worms. We went to the vet and they gave her antibiotics and worming meds. Feeding was always a problem till we mixed well cooked and drained ground beef, peas and green beans with sweet potato and mostly dog food. Dish by Rachel Ray… She always had terrible itching so we went to a new vet. She gave us pills for itching and asked about other things. We live in the woods so she also was given a lyme vaccine. She wasn’t drinking enough water that day. Two days later she had a seizure. My first thought was an issue with the vaccination or the anti-itch. We went back and many dollars later for labs, and iv for fluids, test for epilepsy. The only thing we found was very high amylase and lipase. DX was pancreatitis We put her on Hills special diet and day two she loves the food but is also on an antiseizure for this 4th of July weekend. I am hoping we can get the pancreatitis under control. Has it ever caused seizures that you know?

    #118395 Report Abuse

    How long have you had the dog? No, idiopathic seizure disorder is not caused by food.

    Environmental allergies are not caused by food.

    The dog may need an anticonvulsant for the rest of her life. Sure there are triggers, in fact I would avoid vaccines with this dog and ask your vet to sign a waiver (rabies vaccine).

    Regarding allergies, see a veterinary dermatologist. Food allergies are rare.

    Use the search engine here at this site to look up “environmental allergies” and “seizures” and see my posts.

    Unfortunately, these issues may be why the dog was given up. There are good vets out there that will help you.

    Bottom line, it will cost about $1000 to $2000 a year to keep this dog comfortable.

    I could be way off, as only a veterinarian that has examined the dog and reviewed it’s history can advise you accordingly.

    PS: Be careful, don’t fall down the homeopathic rabbit hole.

    #118441 Report Abuse

    Oops! It shouldn’t cost that much.
    However it may be best to consult a specialist, if the regular vet hasn’t been helpful within a reasonable amount of time..
    Best of luck.

    #118442 Report Abuse

    Idiopathic seizures can be caused by food.
    Holistic and homeopathic is the best way to go!
    Feeding raw does wonders.

    #118443 Report Abuse

    Lyme vaccine can also cause siezures, also oral or spot on flea meds.

    #118444 Report Abuse

    One of the anti seizure meds cause pancreatitis.

    #118445 Report Abuse

    Lyme vaccine can also cause siezures, also oral or spot on flea meds. Also one of the anti seizure meds cause pancreatitis.

    #118446 Report Abuse

    Lyme vaccine can also cause siezures, also oral or spot on flea meds. Also one of the anti seizure meds cause pancreatitis.

    #118460 Report Abuse
    Debbie D

    Been there, never doing vaccines again.
    Please get the exact name of the vaccine, dose, etc and research it for adverse reactions.
    Vaccinosis is the proper term for a vaccine reaction, which includes seizures.
    Also research vaccinosis and lyme vaccine
    Lyme is the worst vaccine out there for reactions.
    Lyme is treatable with antibiotics but even better with Colloidal Silver.
    Why risk this horrible vaccine when you can simply treat the disease if and when it ever occurs (very rare disease.)
    Read what Dr. Becker has to say about vaccine guidelines:
    “A rare new set of canine vaccine guidelines was just released, and they contain a stunning departure from their orthodox way of thinking”
    Read What Dr. Becker says about the apparently benign Lyme Disease:

    #150929 Report Abuse
    Sheila J

    Hi Susan. I know this is a very old post I’m replying to. How is Patch? My dog, Walter Boxer Dog, has had , and still has pancreatitis. But, it doesn’t always mean that’s what he’s suffering from. For years, and thousands of dollars, we have taken Walter in because of the same symptoms as Patch. Everytime we were told it’s pancreatitis. We knew there was something else, but we were treated like we don’t know our dog.. he kept getting more sickly, puking after every meal, or every dring of water he took. And it was sudden, he would spray half way across the kitchen. Finally enough is enough. Took him to a different vet, and he checked his pancreas… It pancreas was perfect. He went on to say allergies. Shots and that damn hills bros z/d.. boy did he push that z/d. Walter seemed to get better for a month, then it’s been all down hill since then. Kept taking him to the vet every other week, and a few emergency visits, thousands of dollars, and he just kept pushing that damn dog food. 5 months of this. I did some reading and I had some questions and when I asked the vet, he was pissed off, he said, who you gonna trust, menit the internet. Well, not him considering he kept giving the same treatment even though it was obviously not working. Both of the vets said it might be us, who are causing Walter to be sick, because we want to believe he is, even when he’s not. Our auras. Well, off to a 3rd vet. This time we found out what is causing our dog to lose 30 pounds cause he can’t keep his food down and is in pain all the time. Scar tissue! Scar tissue from his 2 surgeries. There’s nothing they can do, now. It’s in a spot where his pancreas intestines and stomached all meet. She said maybe a specialist could help, but Walters body has started to form blood vessels in the scar tissue and the pancreas is feeding that way. His intestines have stretched out as large as his stomached from all those years of his food not going through like it should and backing up. We have soent, what might end up being his last years of life, I’d say about 20 thousand dollars for him to be miserable. Now, we have nothing left for a specialist that he needs to possibly or not, save him. So, if your dog has been in any kind of trauma, or has surgeries, or anything that may cause scar tissue, get it checked out ASAP before it’s too late. Lots of times they can scrape it and there’s no problems. So, in the long run, you’d save money and unnecessary suffering for you and Patch. Just a suggestion. We really have no options. Walter is only 6 and I want him to see 7 8 10. So, anyone have any thoughts on castor oil? We have no other options to save him. I heard castor oil softens scar tissue. Well, it’s the only thing we have left. Susan, I hope you and Patch can nip this in the butt, and have many years together. Remember, you know your dog the best, not your vet. Go to another vet if yours is not doing any good. Don’t waste your time money and Patch getting the same diagnosis, but no improvments .

    #163756 Report Abuse
    Tiffany L

    Hi! My dog was just diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. Prior to taking him we only noticed sluggish behaviors, dry mouth, and he vomited one day only (and not much). Other wise he was playful, eating, and had healthy looking poops. The doctor recommended IV treatment, gabapentin, and Cerenia. She also recommended that we feed him royal canine gastrointestinal food. After we started this treatment his symptoms worsen significantly, more specifically after a whole day of IV fluids. Now he is very sluggish, not eating or drinking on his own, and in a lot of pain. The doctor told me to increase his food since he was eating well when I fed him. That night he ran around the house whining in pain and today he still appears to be in pain. I was hoping for some advice on if this is normal or if I should seek someone else out? and if this is normal how long do pups usually stay like this.

    #168276 Report Abuse
    Rachel S

    Hello! I see this post is a few years old but I am hoping someone can give me some insight. I have a 3 year old female cane corso, my child if you will. Last week around 3 am on Sunday she started throwing up, I assumed it was because she ate grass on a walk and usually will throw up for a while when digesting it. Unfortunately the throwing up went on for about 9 hours. She refused to eat and was very lethargic and sleepy. I called the vet and brought her in. They sedated her and ran some tests, one of them being for pancreatitis. The vet told us her pancreatitis test came back “negative” but her bloodwork showed high pancreas enzymes which led her to believe it was early pancreatitis and would treat it as so. I was told to give her a bland diet of chicken and rice. At the same time as the pancreatitis testing we also had some allergy testing done. Her results came back highly allergic to most meats and fillers in dog food. was were instructed to put her on Purina Pro Plan Hydrolyzed low fat dog food-salmon. The food is prescription so we are still waiting for it to show up in the mail. We are now over a week since the throw up incident and she does have her energy back, is drinking, peeing and pooping but she does throw up yellow bile once or twice every other day. Not much interest in food either. I assumed it was the boiled chicken so I stopped giving her that and have been giving her a pancreatitic kibble but it is chicken flavor….could that be the reason for her throwing up? or has her stomach been through so much trauma that there will be throwing up continuing to happen until we get her on the correct diet? I am hoping someone can help. I am so nervous and scared for her.

    #168296 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    Make sure you give small meals a few times a day as not to have an empty stomach. Also it’s very hard on a dogs stomach to keep switching foods. I believe there has been several studies which state allergy testing for digestive disturbances are a waste of time. https://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/adverse-food-reactions-february-2019/ Just like people you will know if when you feed your dog a certain food and he vomits or has diarrhea. You just have to isolate what food you gave is the culprit. For instance I can give my dog a raw carrot for first time and also the next day maybe a piece of boiled plane salmon from my meal. Then my dog throws up or has diarrhea several hours later or next day. So which is the culprit ? Try again with just the raw carrot and if same thing happens you know dog has digestive disturbance from carrot and I will not feed again. So make sure you start any new food VERY, VERY, VERY slowly and not feed anything else. If after a few days she has upset then the food is not for her. Don’t want to be an endorsement for any particular brand but when I do feed kibble I give Stella chewys raw coated chicken grain free. Reason for this is because there were so many on their f/b forum that had dogs with sensitive stomachs and their dogs do very well on this kibble. AGAin VERY slow change over. Even three kibbles at a time a day and see how she does when introducing a new food.

    #180669 Report Abuse
    Pamela K

    My 5 year old lab has episodes of vomit (bile) and lip smacking. Normal ultrasound but GI panel showed folate of 5.5. I’m thinking endoscopy would be next step. Welcome advise on any next steps tests as well as dog food. Riley has been of Fromm Duck a la Veg for several years. 2 years ago she was hospitalized with pancreatitis/gastritis. Thank you for input.

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