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coco oil use

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  • #68337 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Just wanted to throw this out to everybody. I have a cat, Smudge, who’s struggled with one yeasty ear for years. We’d go to the vet, do the ear drop thing, it clears up, back again in no time. Thru this site (vet never mentioned it) I decided it might be a food issue. I have not been able to figure out what the problem is. Now to get to the coco oil part. I’ve read so much here about the good things coco oil can do so I bought some and Jake and a couple of the cats like it. Not Smudge of course. I went online to read more about it since I had a big jar to use up. One thing I read said that women use it to treat yeast infections. I started using a tiny dab in Smudge’s ear twice a day. It took about a month but no more gunky ear. Now I use it every couple of days and her ear is nice and clean. I’m hoping this is ok? Seems like the best I can do is try to keep the reactions at bay since I can’t find the food culprit. I haven’t seen this use of coco oil mentioned. She won’t eat raw.

    #68538 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Jakes mom:
    You have thrown us cat lovers off. I never look for cat stuff on any thread other than the cat rec thread! LOL

    I lather up my hyper-t kitty with coco oil all the time, especially his face around his ears. It’s really helpful when his dry skin acts up during the winter. Sometimes he gets small sores from scratching too much and I use it as a salve to help them heal.

    I have info stored somewhere about using coco oil for cleaning ears. I will see if I can find it. I have used it to clean out my kitties ears before. It’s important for it to be unrefined which is cold pressed. This process uses fresh coconuts and leaves more nutrients intact for the health benefits. Refined oils use dried coconuts and are treated to remove impurities losing nutrients through the process; sometimes chemicals are used in this process too.

    #68550 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Bobby dog, do you mean to say that you don’t read everything I post!?!? lol
    The oil I have is organic, unrefined, cold pressed. I thought what I was doing would be ok but I just wanted opinions from you all. I see a lot of posts here about animals with yeasty ears and no one had mentioned coco oil as a treatment so I was starting to second guess myself I suppose!

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