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  • #43005 Report Abuse

    As you guys know, I’m always on the look-out for quality products that are easy on any budget. I’ve been looking for a good flea med for several months now that isn’t topical, and have continually stumbled across one brand that got rave reviews, over and over: Little City Dogs.

    With an almost nonexistent budget, I need something that works the first time, keeps working, and is safe for the animal I’m using it on, and the other animals and humans it comes into contact with. Hows that for fun?

    I actually found Little City Dogs on Amazon. The only bad reviews were from people who didn’t understand how it worked, which is by killing flea eggs. So after much looking into it, I decided I’d give it a try, and will be starting it tomorrow. Haley is on Trifexis, and probably always will be until I find a cheap source of ivermectin to do the heart worm thing by myself (I may see how this stuff works, and then take her off Trifexis and do this and HeartGuard, though). Bentley is currently on K9 Advantage II. Dweezle and Alec are on nothing. So this Little City Dogs stuff is for them. I figure the combination of the fleas biting Haley and Bentley will kill a good number of them, and then whatever fleas bite Alec and Dweezle will lay eggs that are not viable and can’t hatch, and then they’ll go bite Haley or Bentley and die anyways. Or something like that, at least. I also have Diatomaceous Earth that I’ll treat the yard with if it ever stops raining long enough, and I’ll be doing the house this weekend.

    I’ll take a few months to see if this really works, but I’ll keep you all updated. It’s just a generic of Program, which kills the eggs. Keeps new generations from hatching. It doesn’t out right kill the fleas (though they do make a generic of Capstar that can be given daily to kill existing fleas).

    Heres the website: http://littlecitydogs.com/
    And the Amazon Store: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_pet-supplies?ie=UTF8&field-brandtextbin=Little+City+Dogs&node=2619533011

    The website is actually cheaper. They also have other goodies on the website, like ivermectin, wormers, and even reptile and fish meds. I’m considering taking the DIY ivermectin route. I really, really am… lol

    #43024 Report Abuse
    Jackie B

    Canadavet.com has some good coupons and sales on heartworm medications. I got 2 years of Heartgard Plus there for $113 total. But there are less expensive choices even than Heartgard Plus. But I use it because it also has a dewormer and my yard has visitors– birds, deer, cats, squirrels, etc. Who knows what kind of worms might get tracked in??

    #43126 Report Abuse

    I’m liking the looks of that site! I found some Valuheart heartworm meds on there and I love the price and dose of ivermectin it gives. It’s cheaper than HeartGuard and you get a higher dose. Living in Florida, and Haley (and Dweezle) being an outdoor dog (not by my choice, btw), I’m not even gunna get near HeartGuard. A lot of people are saying it doesn’t work, and I saw one website that said it’s only 95% effective. What the crap is that?? If I did that for Haley, it’d be $70 for ValuHeart and Little City Dogs for a year vs $300+ for Trifexis for a year, plus I wouldn’t be worrying about her having a reaction to the Trifexis (which so far she hasn’t, but they aren’t looking too good with the trouble they’ve been causing to people’s pets). That’s a lot of money I could be spending on dog food, car payments, bills…. I really like the sounds of that…. I’m still going to look around and see what else I find, but that’s looking pretty good right now. I’d like as high a dose of ivermectin as possible for my budget. I do know it’s pretty cheap, though, and all you’re paying for for most meds is whatever company’s name is slapped on it, so I should be able to find a good generic with a little digging.

    An update on the Little City Dogs: The cat, Alec, ate the pill right from his food. I tried to break it open to sprinkle the insides over his food, but I had a headache and didn’t want to deal with it, so I just tossed the pill on top of his food. He avoided it for a while, but slipped up and accidentally got it (he’s an enthusiastic eater, and likes to play the eat-as-much-as-you-can-in-one-bite game lol). Must have tasted ok, because after the initial look of “what just went in my mouth??”, he dug back into his food like it was nothing. They’re supposed to be chicken and beef flavored, depending on which ones you get. Dweezle ate his right out of his food, as well. Being 130 pounds, he’d be hard pressed to actually dig through his food to pick out stuff he doesn’t like anyways lol

    #43128 Report Abuse

    So looking at HeartGuard vs ValuHeart vs NuHeart, I must have been looking at the wrong size for HeartGuard. If I get anything off this website, it’ll be NuHeart, but I’d still like a slightly higher dose than HeartGuard and NuHeart offer, if I can find any at a good price…

    HeartGuard 51-100 lb, 12ct: 272 mcg per pill, $77.20
    NuHeart 51-100 lb, 12ct: 272 mcg per pill, $43.99
    ValuHeart 45-88 lb, 12ct: 240 mcg per pill, $37.94.

    #43136 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Akari:
    I’ve ordered from Canadavet before and would use them again!

    Something to consider is consulting with your Vet as to the most effective heartworm meds. I used the same HW preventative for years until recently. A few months ago my Vet asked that I consider changing due to immunities being seen in parasites. I plan on re-visiting my choice yearly to be certain it is the most effective HW med for the area I live in.

    #43165 Report Abuse

    Thanks Bobby dog!

    I’ve been researching about using straight ivermectin. I like the sounds of how cheap it is. My vet is extremely traditional, though, and he wouldn’t offer any help should I need it. He probably wouldn’t even know how to dose just ivermectin (or if he did he wouldn’t say). But he’s such a good vet! I don’t want to find another one…. Lol I’ll ask him when Haley is done with her Trifexis what he thinks works best as far as commercial meds go, and what he knows about ivermectin dosing. There’s no way that I can afford to continue using Trifexis with new bills coming in.

    #59730 Report Abuse
    Walt J

    Good product, BUT– WATCH OUT!!
    As a satisfied return customer, I ordered some flea meds and LittleCityDogs sent me the wrong dosage. I emailed them the problem, including a picture of their invoice and the wrong package so they would know I wasn’t trying to get a free order, and asked that they send me the correct dosage. No response then or after two subsequent emails. I notified PayPal and disputed the problem, asking for a refund. LCD refused the refund, and then they generously offered $3 ( I paid $17). I told PayPal, ” No”, and filed a claim, and they ruled in my favor. LCD then refunded my $17. Is this trustworthy business practice? You decide.

    #59747 Report Abuse

    You’re the only I have ever heard of having a problem, and I’ve read litterally hundreds, and probably upwards of 1000, of reviews. May have just been an isolated incident, who knows. I’m actually running low on my first round, and will be ordering more.

    #59802 Report Abuse

    Sigh. Lily has fleas AGAIN. She had a topical flea preventative (activyl) just over two weeks ago. I dislike topical preventatives because of all the chemicals, and for Lily they don’t seem to work too well either. Does the Little City Dogs work well for you?

    #59806 Report Abuse

    I’m very happy with it. It’s lufenuron, which doesn’t kill fleas, but prevents their eggs from hatching. If you have a bad flea problem, you use this together with something like CapStar (LCDs also sells their own generic of CapStar) to kill the fleas outright. Once fleas are under control, this is fantastic. It’s not a pesticide, which is why I like it, and in the event of an accidental overdose, it’s still non-toxic. Best of all, it’s cheap! I’ve got my cat and 130 pound rott mix on this for a year for $85. The rott takes a double dose of the larger pills because of his size, and the cat takes a single small pill, every month.

    #59820 Report Abuse

    Thanks! That is seriously cheap compared to $20 per month for a small dog for topical treatments!

    #59831 Report Abuse

    Costs me $25 for the year for the cat, I believe. It’s been a long time since I ordered it lol Most cats get the same dose as a dog up to 25 lbs.

    #59839 Report Abuse
    Walt J

    Akari, I was very disappointed in LittleCity Dogs, as I was looking for affordable flea treatment for my lab who has had a terrible time with fleas this summer. I tried many of the non toxic techniques including DE without success, and after researching the least toxic meds, I decided the use to generic Capstar and lufeneron, and they seemed to work well. I normally don’t do much blogging or reviews, but when a business does a number on me, I feel compelled to let others know. FYI, there are other generic flea med suppliers on EBay with competitive prices, and where you can see their feedback. Good luck to all who battle the flea problem.

    #59843 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Dog Obsessed:
    FYI lufeneron is one of the ingredients in the HW med Sentinel. IDK if that is a HW preventative that is recommended for where you live. Bobby has been on it with no issues or side effects for over a year.

    #59844 Report Abuse

    Walt, don’t get me wrong, I’d be raising heck if a company did that to me, especially as my first impression. It’s just the first time ever heard of them doing that. I’ve just not seen any other reviews like yours. It surprises me.

    Dog Obsesed, I tried to post this last night but the site was down for just me, apparently. Everyone else was still able to access the site… Anyways, I’ve been using Sentinel for Haley for the last several months and I’m happy with it. It’s lufenuron and milbemycin oxime.

    #59847 Report Abuse

    Thanks for all the suggestions! I’ll definitely check all these out. The site was also not working for me for a period last night, the most recent comments page was also down. It came back up after a few minutes.

    #59849 Report Abuse

    Glad I wasn’t the only one! I was still getting email replies while the site was down, and I was so irritated that everyone seemed to be able to get on except me! LOL

    It costed me $30 for Haley’s 6 months of Sentinel. However, I got 20% for working with the clinic and an additional $10 off rebate lol either way, it’s a cheap, safe, alternative to Trifexis.

    #66519 Report Abuse

    Maybe this is old news, but did you guys know that Little City Dogs is in a little hot water with the FDA? http://www.fierceanimalhealth.com/story/fda-cracks-down-little-city-dogs-compounded-copies-popular-pet-meds/2014-10-15

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by crazy4cats.
    #66521 Report Abuse
    #66522 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I read about that last month. The trouble they might be in is the reason I only order from on-line pharmacies or just get it from my Vet. Still always a chance for anything to go wrong no matter where you purchase OTC or Rx drugs, but I have greater confidence in quality control buying from on-line pharmacies or my Vet.

    #66525 Report Abuse

    I never saw this. I was just about to buy another years worth, too. I don’t think any violations were intentional, personally. The owner runs a rescue. Have they responded at all? I noticed a change in their website last night, in response to the trouble they’re in, no doubt.

    #66526 Report Abuse

    I’m with you Bobby dog. Any meds whatsoever I need for the dogs I get from their vet. I don’t have any confidence in what I would be getting anywhere else. Too important an issue to buy “cheaper” somewhere else. There are so many scam artists in the world duplicating for the real things that it’s just too big a chance to take.

    #66532 Report Abuse

    I have a product from them currently on the way to me and am concerned now. I have emailed the company and will share their response if I get one. I’ve been using their flea products for almost a year now with no problems.

    #66533 Report Abuse

    Wow DogFoodie, just read the FDA warning letter. Not a company that I would want to be dealing with that’s for sure. Thx for posting.

    C4C. Just read your post also…another interesting read.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Dori.
    #66542 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Okay — I’ve been gone for a while…. trying to get this Raw Food under my belt…
    My first golden lived 15 yrs, never had commercial flea control, I gave her garlic as the breeder said. Never a flea problem. Second golden, same. she is 11 yrs old now and I have NEVER seen a flea on her. Garlic. I give her 2 a day (She’s 58 lbs) – I use the little round ones from Whole Foods, 500 mg. That is ALL I have ever used with her. No Fleas!

    My chair when I got my Phd, Dr. Norman Shealy, former Harvard Neurosurgery prof and founding president of the American Holistic Medical Assoc, uses BEST YET by CEDARCIDE on his dogs. He lives on a farm way down a mile or two gravel road in Missouri on the Mo River where it is damp and fleas love it there. He swears by it. Recommended to me. I spray that on my dogs now too for safe measure, now that I have the GSD too. He is 73 lbs and I give him 3 of those garlic caps and spray him once a week. Best Yet is Organic. There is a competing similar brand, but Best Yet was apparently there first. I think the other brand is WonderCide. They put a fragrance in theirs. Best Yet smells like cedar. Fleas HATE CEDAR!! Hope this helps.
    NOW the Q is: WHAT TO DO FOR TICKS??? Season will be here soon.

    #66545 Report Abuse

    I was expecting a rude response from them from dealing with them before. This is a very smarta** way to treat a customer. This was LCD’s response:

    “Dear Shaina,

    Thanks for your interest in Little City Dogs products.

    We are wondering here if you actually read the FDA letter.
    If did read it you would know that the FDA’s problem with Little City Dogs related only to our website and product wording.
    Nowhere in the FDA letter does it even infer anything that would cause you to question whether by using our products you would be “giving my pets a safe medicine.” Clearly, as long as your pets do not eat our wording, they should be just fine. 😉

    … if you look at our website, you will see that we changed our website and product image by removing ALL of the wording they complained of in their letter. See for yourself at: http://www.LittleCityDogs.com.

    The FDA apparently posts their warnings, but does not post the responses they receive. A large number of our buyers are rescue organizations. A good many of them are municipalities who buy our product for government run animal shelters. Our FDA status is no secret to them. It has been discussed on those pages and our sales are still increasing. Read this one. https://www.facebook.com/LittleCityDogs/posts/889806671037072
    We don’t advertise. We simply rely on one person telling another how well our product worked for them.

    Instead of relying on our word that our products don’t hurt your dogs, ask our long time buyers if they have ever had their dogs hurt our products.
    We don’t mind you asking because our products have never hurt a pet and not even the FDA letter suggests anything different.

    Thanks for writing…
    Thanks for shopping with Little City Dogs and…
    Good health to you and your pets!
    Little City Dogs®”

    #66546 Report Abuse

    This is the facebook link from their email in case you’re curious:

    April Gales‎ Little City Dogs
    December 4, 2014 ·

    FDA leave them alone. They do a good job and we have been using these products for a long time and it works. I run a resq and there is no way to afford these types of products at the vet when you are working with hundreds of dogs due to ignorance of society. Only problem here is the Vets themselves that complain. They cheat the public by raising prices about 75% on products that are supposed to be ok for pets. Well when a pet dies from their producta that are approved do you step in? Nope you font so stay away and leave Little City Dogs alone

    #87597 Report Abuse
    kate f

    LCD products are great….their customer service is one of the worst I have ever seen. Just trying to get them to agree to resend a product that I had delivered to the wrong address and all I got was rudeness and unprofessional responses that called me names, accused me of trying to get free product, and snarky insults.

    #88190 Report Abuse
    Kris A

    Exact same experience here. I have bought flea pills from them for rescues for several years. They sent me the wrong product that I paid $100 for. I emailed them to send correct product and an explanation of what happened. I also sent second email with copy of receipt and picture of what they sent. No reply, so I emailed next day asking for response, and a brief explanation of what had happened. The following day they responded and they that said they had not received the first two emails, and had no idea what I was taking about. So I again explained (third time) what had happened and said I would resend the first two emails. Then they emailed me back in caps to stop emailing them! They then emailed me again and said if I would send the first bottle back they would refund me only if it was unopened! I had told them repeatedly I did not even realize they had sent the wrong product until I opened it and the pills were different. Nope, no refund since the bottle was opened, but they would refund me 1/2! They pills they sent were only 20% the strength of what I had ordered, so no way is that fair! They are the rudest people I have ever dealt with, EVER

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Kris A.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Kris A.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Kris A.
    #112144 Report Abuse
    Pamela L

    Here is the answer for affordable heartworm control. I use the 1% injectable for Cows. You can get it at almost any feed store for about $25. It does not taste good to the dogs but I can treat the animials in my no-kill shelter for about $25 per year which is amaziing. Here is the dosage:

    Directions for making 30:1 dilution of 1% solution
    A 30:1 dilution works best for smaller dogs. Ivemectin is given orally (never use pour-on solutions for heartworm prevention).

    Mix 30 parts glycerin, propylene glycol, or vegetable oil to 1 part ivermectin 1% solution. Shake well before using to mix the ivermectin evenly. Refrigerate any unused portion (do not store mixtures with vegetable oil).

    Dosage using Ivermectin 1% solution at 30:1 dilution for heartworm prevention (you may want to double these doses for better protection):
    < 6 pounds: 0.05 cc (one-half of 0.1 cc, or 1 drop from an eye dropper, assuming 20 drops per ml)
    6 to 12 pounds: 0.1 cc
    13 to 24 pounds: 0.2 cc
    25 to 36 pounds: 0.3 cc
    37 to 48 pounds: 0.4 cc
    49 to 60 pounds: 0.5 cc
    62 to 72 pounds: 0.6 cc
    73 to 84 pounds: 0.7 cc
    85 to 97 pounds: 0.8 cc
    98 to 109 pounds: 0.9 cc
    110 to 121 pounds: 1 cc
    Ivermectin solution is given orally. It’s best to squirt it into the mouth, rather than adding to food, to be sure your dog gets it all.

    To make a small amount of the mixture, you will need a 1 cc syringe that measures accurately to the tenth of a cc. Draw up 0.1 cc of Ivermectin solution in a 1 cc syringe, and mix well with 3 cc of glycerin, propylene glycol, or vegetable oil, giving you 3 ccs at a dilution ratio of 30:1. This is enough to treat 300 pounds of dogs using the 1% solution.

    To make larger amounts of the mixture, use a 1 fluid ounce dropper bottle, which is 30 ml. Put 1 ml of ivermectin solution in a 1 fluid ounce dropper bottle, then fill with glycerin, propylene glycol, or vegetable oil. This will be enough to treat 3,000 pounds of dogs (e.g., 300 10-lb dogs or 150 20-lb dogs) using the 1% solution.

    1 cc of ivermectin 1% diluted 30:1 contains 333 mcg; 0.1 cc = 33 mcg.
    The exact dosage is 0.0824 cc (approximately 0.1 cc) per 10 pounds of body weight.

    Directions for making 9:1 dilution of 1% solution
    A 9:1 dilution works best for larger dogs. Ivemectin is given orally (never use pour-on solutions for heartworm prevention).

    Mix 9 parts glycerin, propylene glycol, or vegetable oil to 1 part ivermectin 1% solution. Shake well before using to mix the ivermectin evenly. Refrigerate any unused portion (do not store mixtures with vegetable oil).

    Dosage using Ivermectin 1% solution at 9:1 dilution for heartworm prevention (you may want to double these doses for better protection):
    up to 18 pounds: 0.05 cc (one-half of 0.1 cc, or 1 drop from an eye dropper, assuming 20 drops per ml)
    19 to 36 pounds: 0.1 cc
    37 to 73 pounds: 0.2 cc
    74 to 110 pounds: 0.3 cc
    111 to 147 pounds: 0.4 cc
    Ivermectin solution is given orally. It’s best to squirt it into the mouth, rather than adding to food, to be sure your dog gets it all.

    To make a small amount of the mixture, you will need a 1 cc syringe that measures accurately to the tenth of a cc or a dropper bottle. Draw up 0.1 cc of Ivermectin solution in a 1 cc syringe, and mix well with 0.9 cc of glycerin, propylene glycol, or vegetable oil, giving you 1 cc at a dilution ratio of 9:1. This is enough to treat 333 pounds of dogs using the 1% solution.

    To make larger amounts of the mixture, use a 1 fluid ounce dropper bottle, which is 30 ml. Put 3 ml of ivermectin solution in a 1 fluid ounce dropper bottle, then fill with glycerin, propylene glycol, or vegetable oil. This will be enough to treat 9,000 pounds of dogs (e.g., 90 100-lb dogs) using the 1% solution.

    1 cc of ivermectin 1% diluted 9:1 contains 1,000 mcg; 0.1 cc = 100 mcg ivermectin.
    The exact dosage is 0.0272 ml (approximately 0.03 cc) per 10 pounds of body weight.

    #113984 Report Abuse

    Hi, is there an updated for 2018 suggestion for flea control? I currently order Frontline from 1800 pet meds.

    #113997 Report Abuse
    a c

    My vet sold me a flea pill for $40. It’s supposed to last 90 days.

    #115744 Report Abuse
    Tom W

    It’s great that your vet sold you a flea pill for $40 that is supposed to last 90 days, but what is it called?

    I repeat Ellies Parents question. “Hi, is there an updated for 2018 suggestion for flea control? I currently order Frontline from 1800 pet meds? Because I would love an answer to this question also!

    #115745 Report Abuse

    The 3 month chew is bravecto. Which I suggest to everyone who doesn’t want a topical. It’s a great flea preventative but I’ve never seen it sold for less than 60$. So unless he had some kind of discount it’s most likely just going to be around 60$. But that’s still a good price for 3 months. especially for how effective it is. It is prescription only through the vet

    #115797 Report Abuse

    Hi Tom-

    Frontline is awful. Its essentially prevents fleas as well as water would. A C is probably talking about Bravecto which is a great product for an adulticide. However what I would recommend doing it using an insect growth inhibitor like Sentinel to prevent fleas in the environment and add in a product like Bravecto if/when you see adult fleas.

    Do you currently have fleas on your dog or just looking for recommendations for prevention?

    The price of Bravecto (at least at my clinic) goes by which weight range your dog falls in. Both my dogs use the 44-88lb pill so its 60$ before my discount.

    #115945 Report Abuse
    a c

    Thank you for naming the pill. Yes, it is Bravecto. The one I got is for dogs 9.9-22lbs. I was using Frontline plus but still got adult fleas on my dogs in mid-December. Bravecto took care of that within 2-3 days.

    I heard Bravecto shouldn’t be used for senior dogs. Is this true? If a pill last 3 months, it must be very strong.

    #116084 Report Abuse

    Hi A C-

    They work with a time release action. It is no different than you giving a monthly pill (whats going on inside the body that is), except you are giving one pill every 3 months. If you are concerned about a senior dog on Bravecto, you can ask the vet if there are any contraindications for senior pets, but I have never heard that before.

    #117783 Report Abuse

    Hi All-
    Glad to hear the positive comments about Bravecto. That is what the vet prescribed for my two large dogs. They weigh about 85 pounds and the pills were $70 each. Ouch! They are 7 years old. I usually only apply topical once or twice per year. We do not have much issue with fleas, ticks or mosquitoes in my neck of the woods. This pill is easier and less messy. So far, no side effects. Hope it works!

    #122824 Report Abuse
    Alicia L

    I’m going to try FleaMeds.us website… I had ordered nitenpyram on eBay last year but couldn’t find cheap sources when I checked there last week… so I dug out the bottles that were shipped to me and that’s the website printed on their label.

    I’m going to order:
    10 capsules of nitenpyram for dogs (25-125 lb)
    50 capsules of nitenpyram for my cats (2-25 lb)
    6 capsules of lufenuron for dogs (45-90 lb)
    24 capsules of lufenuron for my cats (2-10 lb)

    All for $41.18… free shipping.

    #122825 Report Abuse

    I would be extremely careful with that website. Most of those ridiculously cheap medication websites are shams. And sell fake products that could potentiallly be dangerous. The website doesn’t come off very legitimate either. I took a look and saw a few grammar and spelling mistakes on the main menu options. Tread carefully…

    #122826 Report Abuse

    Very sad that people believe this stuff. Dangerous.
    Find a vet that you trust and that has examined your pet and reviewed the history, go by his recommendations. Period.

    Anything else is Russian roulette.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by anonymous.
    #123021 Report Abuse
    devin s

    I get flea meds for my beagle from here:
    really cheap. I only use Frontline Plus, and only during flea season as the vet recommended its safer than Bravecto. This shampoo also helps : http://www.cheappetcare.com/product/malaseb-shampoo-for-dogs-250-ml/

    #123050 Report Abuse

    I wouldn’t be buying meds from there Devin. They can be counterfeit. Do some reasearch on counterfeit pet meds.

    #142480 Report Abuse
    Camala J

    Hi, How did fleameds.us work out? I am looking for a new supplier, I treat all of my families pets and they have great prices.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Camala J.
    #155039 Report Abuse
    Walter P

    Talk to your veterinarian about safe options for treating your puppy of fleas . Your vet may recommend collars, oil pouches, or other products during flea season. (Be sure to use these remedies only as frequently as the label instructs.)

    #179495 Report Abuse
    budget V

    I tried bravecto flea and tick for dogs. it helps a lot on my dog and it is recommended by my vet. It destroys newly arriving fleas for 12 weeks and only one chew protects the dog for 12 weeks against deadly ticks. After using that, my dog can roam easily anywhere without any tension.

    #191019 Report Abuse
    meeloun E

    Essay代写 http://www.cieae.net/essay 是一个长久的行业,做的好的机构肯定有不少以前代写的同学做回头客,还会介绍人过来。因此同学们挑选这类机构的时候,必须要确定好对方的市场口碑如何,是否真的得到消费者的认可。

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