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using both coconut oil and fish oil

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  • #75987 Report Abuse
    Angelica D

    Hello I want to know if anyone uses both coconut oil and fish oil at the same time? I recently adopted a 7 month old puppy mix (jack russell and maybe yorkie? ) and he has a very dry coat. I hear both oils are very good for different things can I use both? Thank you

    #75990 Report Abuse

    Coconut Oil for Pets?

    Hope this helps.

    Is he a wire haired jack russell? The coats on these dogs will appear dry no matter what. Do some research as to grooming, the right combs/brushes to use, it makes a big difference http://www.therealjackrussell.com/advice/grooming2.php

    Ps: I add a fish oil capsule daily to my dogs diet, not sure if it actually helps.
    I have never used coconut oil for anything.
    Be careful about adding a lot of stuff, it can make a dog nauseous.

    #75991 Report Abuse

    I use 1/8 teaspoon of coconut oil about 3 times a week and fish oil or krill oil every night. I love the coconut oil but it made my yorkies cholesterol go up so I cut back on it but I love it!!

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