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  • #54533 Report Abuse

    Hi everyone! I’m thinking of switching to Manitok Red Meat formula (from Zeal, a New Zealand brand). I have some doubts though. My concerns lie with monosodium phosphate, oligofructose & salt listed in the ingredients.

    From Wiki, oligofructose is a sweentener extracted from fruits and vegetables, and that list include onion and leeks, which are off-limits to dogs. Should I be concern that this is added to the kibble?

    Monosodium phosphate, from what I find from the web, is a combination of the synthetic forms of phosphorus and sodium. Phosphorus can be found in many foods and it’s rare for humans to be deficient in this, and usually doctors would make the recommendation if a supplement is needed. I have no idea if dogs need it in supplemental form, but surely additional sodium is not necessary, right?

    And the salt, should I worry that the manufacturer add salt to the dry food? I don’t see it mention in the review and discussions. Am I being too paranoid? Any help is much appreciated!! Thank you!!

    #54539 Report Abuse

    Hi H&N
    I answered some over on the review side, so I’m just boosting this up where more will see it, in case someone else has more to say.

    People don’t usually come here because they don’t care what their dogs eat, so I don’t think you’ll find anyone thinks you are too paranoid, just cautious. Good for you.

    One thing we pretty much all believe is that no food is perfect, so rotating to different foods regularly is a good thing. It helps to make sure you are hitting all the nutritional bases and helps to minimize exposure to any unknown negatives that might exist within a brand.

    #54547 Report Abuse

    Hi theBCnut, thank you so much for your replies!

    What you said, it’s a light bulb moment for me. I’ve given my dogs the same food for almost two years. Their blood test results are almost identical in the problem areas. And here I was, obsessing over that 1 Holy Grail of a kibble to feed my dogs.

    So again, thank you! I’ll definitely give the rotation diet a try.

    #54579 Report Abuse

    I also had never thought about dog food that way, until coming here. I love epiphany moments.

    #54750 Report Abuse

    Thank you! With the indecision gone, I bought Manitok red meat and Orijen 6 fish, and mixed a little of both with the lamb kibble. Once the lamb is gone, I’d rotate the red meat with the fish. It’s only been two days. So I can’t really tell, but their poop is good. So hopefully everything will work out alright 🙂

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